Today is a wonderful day.
The Be-Wished series, five years in the making, consists of four books: All In, A Wolf at Her Door, Once Upon a Kiss, and Just Winging It. The first two stories were published in their own print anthology last year called Wolf Wishes.
Now, the second volume, Midnight Wishes has been published in print!I hadn’t seen the cover until today, but I love it. As an author who has most of her stories sold digitally, it’s exciting and special when you see your work in print. One of these days, I’ll do a book signing. Maybe at the Romance Writers of America Conference or the Romantic Times convention next year.
Until then, I’m just thrilled to have these books available.
Booksigning Tomorrow
I will be signing copies of Ellora’s Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction, Volume 3 tomorrow. It’s an anthology of six hot stories. Mine is called “A Man of Vision.”
Location: Barnes & Noble Encino, corner of Hayvenhurst and Ventura.
Time: 12:30 – 2:00(?) I’m not sure of the ending time, but I’ll stay until the enormous line of fans dies down. LMAO
I’ll also be passing out the personalized M&Ms I got just for this occasion. If you come and buy a book (or books) make sure you take one of Los Angeles Romance Authors’ (LARA) flyers and bring it to the register with you. LARA gets a percentage of the sales. The money will help our organization continue to provide support and education for published and aspiring Los Angeles area romance authors.