I May Be Addicted

USA Today Bestselling Author
Magazines, Money, Once Upon A Kiss, Trues
Be-Wished, Books, Ellora's Cave, Fit To Be Tied, Liquid Silver Books, Magazines, Once Upon A Kiss, Publishing, Woman's World
Magazines, Shopping, Silliness, Starbucks, Websites
I saw this in my Real Simple magazine and couldn’t believe it. It’s a knitted coffee cup sleeve. Guess how much it retails for!
No, really, guess!
$18.00, no lie. I suppose there might be some eco-freaks out there who might drag this thing into Starbucks to use. (If you’re one of them, I’ll knit you one for only five bucks.)
This is the place where you can get the original if you want it. They also have slingshot pencils, hair clips that look like googly eyes, and tiny herb gardens whose pots are porcelain eggs. Those things are kind of cool.
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