In the past week have you done anything to usher in or out a season? Nope. In LA we don’t get too much of a season change.
Which of the four seasons is your favorite? Why? I like fall. It means the hot weather is going away soon! I like Thanksgiving, even though it’s a hassle. And my birthday is in November. 😀
What’s your favorite seasoning? Oh, that’s easy. Garlic salt. I use it all the time!
Your turn:
In the past week have you done anything to usher in or out a season?
Which of the four seasons is your favorite? Why?
What’s your favorite seasoning?
Happy Friday!
Hmm…No, haven't done anything. Summer is my favorite season because I like warm temperatures and love to go to the beach. Not sure I have a favorite seasoning. I like things pretty plain, although I do love garlic.
I only like to go to the beach if it's right outside my hotel room. Otherwise, it's a hassle!
LOL. This is cute!
To usher in the season…I started to go outside more and work out more often. In Missouri, you can definitely sense the seasons. Summer gets hot and muggy, but I can still feel myself responding to the sunlight as the days get longer. Oh, blessed sunshine, where have you been?
Favorite season is fall — for much of the same reasons as you. You're in November too? Scorpio?
Favorite seasoning: Soy sauce for now.
I'm with you, Kate. I live for fall in LA! I love those first cool, magical breezes–that little snap in the air at night that lets you know that the summer is over. Fall in other places is even better. I was lucky enough to go to college in MA where the falling leaves are knee deep.
My favorite seasoning? In summer it's fresh basil. The rest of the year, fresh rosemary.
Oh. Soy sauce. YES. Fresh basil? OMG. Love it. I tried to grow it but the bugs ate it. 🙁