The contest is over and Deb won the ARC of On the Surface!
But don’t worry if you didn’t win. You can pre-order your own copy for less than a grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks.
If you need convincing, the first review is up on Goodreads by Jane of Dear Author. She gave it 4 stars. Here’s an excerpt:
Totally enjoyed this book…definitely recommend. It’s sexy and sweet and author was able to deliver a funny, caring hero.
I’m floored! I’ve always been afraid to send any of my books to Dear Author, and I still didn’t. Jane got a copy on her own. Carina Press might have sent it to her. The reviewers at Dear Author do not pull their punches. So it’s probably a good thing that I did not know she was reading On the Surface. Otherwise, I may have gotten an ulcer.
Anyway, she says the comprehensive review will go up on her site in April when the book comes out. I cannot wait!
I love the reviews on Dear Author, and am currently reading a classic that they recommended. They add intelligence and feminism to a genre that's sometimes shoved into a pink ghetto. Congrats, Kate!
Just finished reading the ARC of On the Surface! Loved it! You scored a hat trick with this one, Kate. I fell in love with Tim Hollander. He is sexy, funny, and talented. Erin Collier is a witty, fun loving girl-next-door. She could have been me. Can't wait for the next book in the In the Zone series, Across the Line. After reading the first chapter at the end of the ARC of On the Surface, Calder Griffin and Rebecca Chen's story, has hooked me already. Too bad it won't be out until August 2014!