In the past week, have you spent more or less than usual? The same.
What was your biggest purchase? Probably the ticket to Disneyland for my youngest DS. The eighth grade goes as a class at the end of the year.
What made you decide to buy it? The obvious reason. It was $65 for the ticket and the bus transportation.
Do you typically mull over purchases or are you an impulse buyer? Both! That’s bad, isn’t it.
Did you enjoy the shopping you do or do you prefer to get in and out quickly? Depends on my mood and what I’m shopping for. I love to browse scrapbooking and craft shops, book stores.
Your turn:
In the past week, have you spent more or less than usual?
What was your biggest purchase?
What made you decide to buy it?
Do you typically mull over purchases or are you an impulse buyer?
Did you enjoy the shopping you do or do you prefer to get in and out quickly?
My biggest purchase was online.
I bought new business cards. I decided to after looking at my standard issue freebie cards and looking at a friends specially designed cards and feeling card envy. I can mull, but I rarely check the bank account before deciding, so I think that falls into impulse buy category.
When I shop, it’s in and out. That’s why this online thing is so good for me. The internet is a dangerous, dangerous thing.
Ooh, I want to see the cards!
I hate shopping unless it’s at Best Buy or a book store. Those are both great stores to browse. I live at Walmart, but I usually know what I want and get it quickly and get out.
Purchase? Hmmm. Just a book recently, but am thinking of treating myself to a Netbook from the check I just received from WW. Anyone have any comments on netbooks?
My sister just got one. She likes it, but our conversations about it have been more about how to backup and install internet security.