For those of you who aren’t familiar with the publication, Publisher’s Weekly is a well-known, respected publication. Here’s how they describe themselves:
Publishers Weekly, familiarly known in the book world as PW and “the bible of the book business,” is a weekly news magazine focused on the international book publishing business… Its best known service is pre-publication book reviews, publishing some 8,000 per year.
Recently, they reviewed Across the Line, book 2 from my In the Zone hockey romance series! This is a huge deal. Never in a million years did I expect to see a review of my book in PW. Now, because I don’t subscribe, the amazing Shannon Stacey sent me a scanned PDF of it, but here’s what they said.
Willoughby’s second In the Zone contemporary sports romance (after On the Surface) is a real charmer. Pro hockey player Calder Griffin is aboard a nonstop flight from San Diego to New York when he encounters Rebecca “Becca” Chen, owner of Cups, a popular cafe in his hometown of Ithaca, N.Y. He dubbed her “Braceface Becca” in elementary school, but as adults the two are immediately drawn to one another. Despite the distance, the two start a passionate relationship–and after tragedy strikes in Ithaca, Becca moves to San Diego. But will that move draw Calder closer, or push him away? Meanwhile, when Calder’s estranged brother, Hart, joins Calder’s hockey team, he drops a bombshell that will change the brothers’ relationship forever. Willoughby skillfully seeds the story with compelling secondary characters as she leads Calder and Becca toward a happy ending.
Booksellers, librarians, literary agents are going to see this. I am still in shock that my little hockey romance caught their eye. Wow.
Across the Surface is available for pre-order at Carina Press and Amazon. Do it and the book will be yours on August 11.