To celebrate the release of Animal Attraction, I’m going to be participating in some Facebook parties in the next couple of months. Fun games and giveaways guaranteed. Plus, I’m giving away a Kindle Fire!

Thursday, April 25 (6:00 pm – 10:00 pm EST) – A multi-author takeover for Animal Attraction in The Reader’s Lounge hosted by Sweet N Spicy Reads.
Saturday, April 27 RELEASE DAY! Open House Release Day Takeover in the BestSellers & BestStellars Party Room! I’ll also be dropping in at The Renegades Ice Crew, Susan’s Squad, and Stephanie Julian’s Reader Salon.
Friday, May 3 (7:30 pm – 8:00 pm EST) I’m taking over the Red Hatter’s Book Hangout! Games and giveaways!
Sunday, May 5 (8:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST) I’m taking over The Locker Room! Tons of sports romance fans there!
Monday, May 13 (5:20 pm – 5:40 pm) – Stina Lindenblatt’s Release Party in the One Click Addict Support Group.