So, Joe was being difficult again. Recently, he refused to change professions. More lately, he’s resisting a personality makeover.
I was rewriting him to be a wounded hero both physically and mentally. In the scene where he and Livvy first meet, he was sullen, angry, and not quite reconciled with his disability. I really pushed that change through almost the entire book, but I can see now it’s just not him. He would not allow me to make him so self-absorbed, even with the excuse of being a paraplegic to fall back on. It’s easy to understand that that type of injury could take a very long time to adjust to, but Joe was determined to bounce back faster than I was making him. He would not, in short, be a jerk.
Writing is such an interesting and mentally unbalanced endeavor.
Also, isn’t this the most kick ass wheelchair you’ve ever seen?