How quickly Friday arrives! If you are a regular visitor, you know I feature some art every Friday. I think it may hearken back to when I was in grade school and Friday was always art day. Anyway, this week I’m displaying some sculpture that is part of one of the most amazing gardens in the world.
According to Bruno Torf’s website:
“Bruno Torfs created a sculpture garden that he would run as a permanent attraction, open to the public in Marysville, Australia…. The garden began with just fifteen life sizes terracotta sculptures, but today there are over one hundred and fifteen pieces on display and Bruno is still making regular additions. The unique experience of the garden and its wondrous inhabitants attracts thousands of visitors a year. Bruno and the family still live there and always take great pleasure in being able to share their magnificent art treasure with all that come.”
I would love to visit this garden, but I doubt I’ll ever visit Australia. At least there’s the Internet. If you’d like a virtual tour, go to Have a terrific weekend.