Here’s the Chihuahua we got. He had to wear an Elizabeth collar so he wouldn’t mess up the stitches he got from being neutered. We named him Mochi.
I love him.
USA Today Bestselling Author
Bettas, Hamsters, Pets, Wrap-Ups
Are you a pet person? Sort of.
What was your first pet? I seem to remember a small green turtle with red streaks on its neck. I was a little mean to that turtle.
How old were you when you got it? Hm. School age. Second grade, I think.
Do you have any pets now? We have a dwarf hamster and a betta fish. I wish I could have a cat but my older son is allergic.
Your turn!
Are you a pet person?
What was your first pet?
How old were you when you got it?
Do you have any pets now?
My betta fish died last week. I had him for several years, but I knew he was getting old because he wasn’t eating regularly and was more sluggish than beta fish usually are. Nor did he make bubble nests anymore.
I now have a new betta. His name is Chow. (The old fish never really had a name.) He’s pretty feisty and is a beautiful comination of red and blue. He is luxuriating in the old bowl, but with new, living plants, instead of plastic ones. He must like it in his new digs, because he has made a bubble nest. I think that’s a hint he wants to be a Player. His little cup was next to several female bettas at the PetCo, but I think he’s doomed to lifelong bachelorhood.
And yesterday’s actor was Kevin Spacey. I just love his voice. It’s so distinctive.
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