Thursday 3: Loving Gestures
Thursday 13 is too much. Here’s my Thursday 3 instead.
I thought I’d blog about three things my loving husband did for me recently.
1. He took me to the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show! It was so much fun. I came home with two gorgeous plants that I hope won’t die any time soon. I’ve managed to grow a flower stem on my one orchid, a feat here-to-fore never accomplished by me.
2. He brought me my warm fuzzy bathrobe yesterday morning when, still snuggled in bed, I mentioned that it was very cold in the bedroom.
3. He fixed the showerhead for me this morning when I said it had gone wonky on me.
What a guy! That’s why I love him.
Thursday 3: Aspirations
Thursday 13 is too much. Here’s my Thursday 3 instead.
We all dream of being something interesting when we grow up. Here are three possibilities I considered.