It’s Release Day for Across the Line, book two of my In the Zone hockey romance series! It’s been so encouraging to see the book being pre-ordered. It makes me grateful for that anonymous back cover copy writer at Carina and the artist who gave me this sexier than sin cover. I am so excited.
Here are snippets from some early reviews:

All you readers who pre-ordered, you should have already received the book. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting I would tell you a good story. (Is the bird thing a stretch? Sorry. LOL)
Today, Tim Hollander will no longer be the only Barracuda swimming in the literary seas. (Sorry for the horrible metaphor. I’m a little tired from trying to make my deadline for book three.) He has a brother standing beside him. My plan is to keep writing hockey romances as long as it’s fun and I have new stories to tell. (Here are four guys from the LA Kings who are/were like brothers: Mike Richards, Drew Doughty, Dustin Penner who sadly is no longer a King, and Jeff Carter, recently married.)
In the pipeline is Alex Sullivan’s story, OUT OF THE GAME, book 3 of my In the Zone series. After that, I have ideas jotted down about Jason Locke’s story, and a few thousand words written about Dustin DeVries.
In the meantime, check out Calder Griffin and see how he makes it work (any Tim Gunn fans out there?) with Becca Chen. She’s an Asian restauranteur. He’s an NHL player returning to the ice after being injured. Committed to their jobs and with thousands of miles between them, they don’t stand a chance.
Photo credit: Tatiana Gerus and Prayitno via Wikimedia Commons