Today I felt productive. Here are three things I did.
1. I went through the pile of junk to deal with, which included a few days worth of mail, various coupons, papers from the junior high and high school, tax forms, a check, and magazines to distribute either to Mr. T (aka dh), my sons, or my TBR pile.
2. I sent my entries and fees to Passionate Ink for their Passionate Plume contest. However, I’m not sure I’m going to DC for the RWA conference. *sighs*
3. I made a pot of split pea soup from scratch. It turned out yummy!
Robin Bielman says
It sounds like you’ve been much more productive than me! And I love, love split pea soup. I’m glad it was yummy.
Kate Willoughby says
Well, actually, that was yesterday. Today all I’ve done so far is make coffee and reply to two emails. LOL
Paige Tyler says
Cool! Split pea soup is so yummy!
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