I am squeeing today because over at Liquid Silver Books, they compiled a list of the Top Eight Bestsellers of 2008 and my Hostile Takeover made the list! I’m still sort of in shock over how well that’s been selling.
Because many publishers don’t offer stories of forced consent, I suspect that there is a large contingent of readers who, when they find these types of stories, snap them up because they’re so rare.
As I say in the blog sidebar, this story is not for the faint of heart. Rockwell, the “hero,” is a selfish bastard. He takes what he wants, when he wants it. If you like your fictional heroes demanding, arrogant, but redeemable, try Hostile Takeover. If you get squicky about a heroine being taken forcefully after giving dubious consent, skip this tale.
So, I think that one of my goals for 2009 will be to write another forced consent story.
Thanks! You’re up early!